Luovi, Finland
Luovi Vocational College, Finland
Ammattiopisto Luovi, Luovi Vocational College is publicly funded and operates at 23 locations in Finland. Luovi provides Vocational Qualifications, VQs’ at upper secondary level, European Qualifications Framework, EFQ Level 4. Vocational qualifications give the eligibility to apply for higher education for universities and for universities of applied sciences. Luovi provides 17 vocational qualifications in several fields of study. In addition, Luovi provides prevocational training and preparatory training for work and independent living. The students can choose from business studies, horticulture or agriculture, media, hospitality, and several technical studies. Luovi offers versatile learning environments and collaboration with world of work is an important part of Luovi activities.
Luovi is the largest vocational special education institution in Finland. The number of staff is around 750. There are 1900 students with special needs in initial VET. Reasons may include mental health and social problems, minor developmental delays, reading and writing difficulties and developmental disorders. The students of Luovi need individual support throughout the studies. Every student has a personal study plan which is monitored in a multi professional team.
Luovi is active in internationalisation of VET. The guidelines for international cooperation activities are defined in the strategy of Luovi. The objective of international activities is to increase student and staff skills and competences. Practical measures include support for student and staff exchanges, development of education and training, provision of language and cultural training and participation in international projects as well as creating opportunities to advance reciprocal mobility.