Matti Yliniemi

My name is Matti Yliniemi and my current workplace is Vocational College Lappia in Kemi, Finland.

I work in teaching and development tasks in industrial wood construction. Lappia is active in the South-Western Lapland. I have been working in several positions in mechanical woodworking industry starting from forest to buildings and furniture. I have a degree in engineering (BSc) and teaching. Already at the age of 15, I had my first summer job as a loader in a big sawmill and this was only about 40 years ago.

More recently I have been concentrating on CLT –manufacturing and processing. I have noticed that construction people know very little about Cross Laminated Timber, also real benefits of parametrical 3D design programs are not in use. Target of Lappia wood department is to concentrate on the processes in practice, also technology and knowledge transfer to companies is important. New learning environment for CLT-production is ready and in use. We have a perfect place to study and develop CLT constructions and computerized manufacturing technology and design.

I’m excited about this possibility to join in the Bridge the Ocean project. I`m looking forward to cooperating with other teachers and students, to find new ways and ideas of teaching and working in construction industry and mechanical wood working

Building bridges is always more challenging than building fences