Good to know
In this section you will find a lot of useful information about funding of overseas mobility both for Canadians and European students and staff members. You can also learn more about internationalisation strategies and recognition of studies in partner countries, Finland, Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark.
Funding can be a great support for your overseas study, allowing you to realize your dreams of studying abroad. It can help cover costs of tuition, flights, accommodation, textbooks, and living expenses, making studying abroad more accessible. It can also help you gain valuable international experience and skills, as well as a global perspective. With the right funding, you can make the most of your overseas study experience and gain invaluable skills and knowledge that will open up new opportunities in your future.
Recognition of studies
When participating in an international vocational module or training period, validation and recognition of vocational studies are important in order to ensure that the skills and competencies acquired during the module or training are recognized by education institutions in the participant’s home country.
International strategies
Purpose of this summary is comparing strategies of internationalization in VET in partner countries. Furthermore, finding good practices and challenges in implementation of existing mobility in partner countries emphasizing overseas mobility. With this questionnaire we collected valuable information for the BTO-toolkit.