Kalle and Laura
Hi we are Kalle Kolin and Laura Puurila. We are students from Turku vocational school. Kalle is studying culinary arts and Laura is studying visual media. Once we heard we’ve been selected to entrepreneurial program called Bridge Over the Ocean (BTO later on) in Truro, Nova Scotia we were utterly excited. We did not yet know what the two weeks in Novas Scotia would contain and how it would change our perspective about entrepreneurial mindset, learning and traveling.
Our journey started from Helsinki, Finland. There we would flight to Frankfurt, Germany where we would spend the next 10 hours before our flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Finally after many hours of flying and cab ride through the Nova Scotian highway we were finally at Truro.
First day in Truro was Sunday, so we passed time by walking around Truro. Fiona had really creates a havoc all around the city. Even though we heard that most of the damage that hurricane had created was cleaned up right after the storm. This was the first time that we understood the importance of community in Truro.
Our very first day in NSCC was quite exciting. We where introduced to other students that would be attending to this program. We had students from three different countries. Those would be Netherlands, Denmark and Finland. We also met the Shari Mallory and Sheri Williams. Wondeful persons who would be running the program and guide us around our Nova Scotia experience.
Those days that we were working in school we would have lectures about entrepreneurial mindset and what skills it would require to be an entrepreneur. We also had many visits from business owners who would tell us about their line of work. Lot of interesting stories and thought provoking conversations were heard in the classroom. One day we also had a treasure hunt in Truro, which would take us around the city exploring different landmarks and seeking out scarecrows During the next two weeks had different experiences around Truro and Nova Scotia area in general. We would visit Raging Crow distillery, Tatamagouche Brewing company, Appleton chocolates company and Tatamagouche ice creamery. We also visited the Masstown market, Perennia food and beverage innovation centre and provincial wildlife park in Shubenacadie where
we would see beautiful and diverse Canadian wildlife.
The last days of school we had a competition between the BTO students. The question was ”How can we foster relationships and resources between the 4 countries using an entrepreneurial mindset?”. Students were divided to 4 groups. Each group came up with an idea that would answer the question. Competition was tough but in the end group with Kalle, Maj and Anni won the competition with their international cooking class idea.
We both enjoyed the Truro greatly because of the atmosphere and the people. Generally everybody were absolutely wonderful. Two of the hi lights of the journey were a visit to River breeze Fear Farm and visit to a Halifax during the weekend. One special and unforgettable moment was also the traditional Canadian thanksgiving dinner with the whole international student group.
What can be said after the journey? Our trip to Truro, Nova Scotia was one of a kind. It was full of wonderful people, great landscapes, interesting stories and great cuisines. We feel like Truro really did leave mark on our hearts which will not be erased even by time.